Interface ParcelObject<ExtraProps>

Parcel object, similar to React.Element with the only difference that it is mutable. While ParcelConfig is a React.Component.

Type Parameters


  • ParcelObject


bootstrapPromise: Promise<null>

Returns a promise that will resolve once the parcel has been bootstrapped.

loadPromise: Promise<null>

Returns a promise that will resolve once the parcel has been loaded.

mountPromise: Promise<null>

Returns a promise that will resolve once the parcel has been mounted. This is helpful for knowing exactly when a parcel has been appended to the DOM

unmountPromise: Promise<null>

Returns a promise that will resolve once the parcel has been unmounted.


  • Returns a promise that resolves once the parcel is successfully mounted. The promise can throw an error which needs to be handled.

    Returns Promise<null>

  • Returns a promise that resolves once the parcel is successfully unmounted. The promise may throw an error which needs to be handled.

    Returns Promise<null>

  • Allows you to change the props passed into a parcel. Note that not all parcels support being updated. The update function returns a promise that resolves when the parcel is finished updating. See other documentation and example for more information.


    • customProps: ExtraProps

    Returns Promise<null>

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